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烤鸭听力篇3——提分找对练习必不可少墨西哥跳豆 !-厦门觅雅


Project n.工程
Factor n.因素
Objective adj.客观的
Reserve v.预定
Scarce adj.稀少的
Worthwhile adj.值得的
Smelly adj.有臭味的
Spiral adj.螺旋的
Shared adj.共享的
Crucial adj.重要的

A new report says the number of boys _____in the United States and Japan has _______ every year since ______. Thereport says the_______ for the decrease is _______.
But it says ______________ and other _________mightbe _________. American and Japanese___________ studied _____ years of birth ________ from the two nations. Theresearchers say they found ______boys were born in __________ to girls. Theysay the decrease is births was ______ to__________ white _______ in the UnitedStates. In Japan, the decrease was ________to_________fewer males.

Born/decreased/1970/reason/unclear/environmental/influences/involved/researchers/30/records/fewer/comparison/equal/13580核处理器,000/males/equal/127鞠倩伟 ,金元萱 000

史蒂夫·乔布斯的传奇壮大了硅谷的创新神话阿丁新浪博客 ,他在父母的车库里开始创业,建立了苹果公司异世悠闲日子 ,继而将之发展成世界上最有价值的公司。他没有发明很多东西智慧珠拼盘,但他是一个将概念、艺术和技术融为一体,开创未来的大师始皇天下。意识到图形界面具有的强大力量梁周洋 ,他设计了麦金塔电脑,而这是施乐公司无法做到的萧龙王 。能将一千首歌曲置入囊中的欣喜又使他创造了MP3播放器iPod,即使是拥有雄厚资产和悠久传统的索尼公司也绝不可能实现。为了推动创新,一些领导者从大处着眼李璧琦 ,一些则着重落实细节,连锁网吧而乔布斯坚持不懈地要两者兼顾。结果余泽雅 ,在30年的时间里3u8858 ,他推出了一系列产品,改变了整个产业轻灵佩剑 。

The saga(传奇)of Steve Jobs is the Silicon Valley creation myth writ large(显而易见): launching(开始从事) a startup in hisparents’ garage and building it into the world's most valuable company. Hedidn't invent many things outright(完全地)裕德龄, but hewas a master at putting together ideas, art赵美然 , and technology in ways thatinvented the future. He designed the Mac after appreciating the power ofgraphical interfaces(图形界面) in a way that Xerox (施乐公司)was unable to do, and he created the iPod after grasping (理解大汉骑军,抓住)the joy of having a thousand songs in your pocket in a way thatSony法网情天 , which had all the assets (资产)and heritage沈战东,never could accomplish. Some leaders push innovations by being good at the bigpicture. Others do so by mastering details. Jobs did both, relentlessly(残酷地). As a result he launched a series of products over three decadesthat transformed(改变) whole industries.

考好试 读好书
觅雅赋花澜 ,做你英语学习的引领者

