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Top 10 Global Tourism News of 2017
中国与多国共办旅游年 旅游外交精彩纷呈
China and Other Countries Co-Launch Bilateral Tourism Year Programs, with Tourism Playing a Big Part in Public Diplomacy
On January 17,西安营销策划公司 Chinese President Xi Jinping and President of the Swiss Confederation Doris Leuthard co-launched the China-Switzerland Tourism Year at Davos, followed by tourism year programs respectively between China and Australia, Denmark, ASEAN and Kazakhstan. Tourism has become a major part of public diplomacy.(Source: global mainstream media)
Travel Continues Despite Terrorist Threats
3月22日前妻请签字,英国议会大厦附近发生恐怖袭击事件,造成5人死亡,40多人受伤。IPK国际(IPK International)对全球20多个主要客源地进行的“恐怖威胁与旅游”专题调查显示,无论是推迟旅行、转向国内旅行或是由“不安全”目的地转向到“安全”的目的地,旅行都将继续。(综合英国《每日旅游新闻》、新加坡《海峡时报》)
On March 22, a terrorist attack near the Palace of Westminster in the UK resulted in five deaths and over 40 injuries. After that, the IPK International conducted a survey on “terrorist threats and tourism” in more than 20 tourist source markets across the world and found that the travel might be postponed, confined within one’s national borders, or rescheduled from “unsafe” destinations to “safe” ones, but would continue anyway.(Source: Travel Daily UK蜈蚣咒 , Strait Times in Singapore)
俄罗斯推出旅游“新福利 电子签证可以游远东
Russia Allows E-Visa Holders to Enter Far East
As an effort to simplify the visa policy, the Russian government allows foreign visitors holding an electronic visa to travel to the Far East from August on. From January 1, 2018, the e-visa holders will be allowed to travel to not just the Free Port of Vladivostok, but also the Kamchatka Peninsula and Sakhalin Oblast.(Source: Rossiiskaya Gazeta)
Caribbean Tourism Battered by Typhoon
On September 6, the typhoon Irma landed on Caribbean Islands, sweeping across many local tourist attractions and wreaking damages that were hard to recover in a short time. It also brings immeasurable loss to nearby tourist destinations such as Punta Cana, Cancun, Miami and Havana.(Source: global mainstream media)
联合国世界旅游组织第22届全体大会成功举行 祖拉布当选新一任秘书长
Zurab Pololikashvili Elected Secretary-General at the 22nd UNWTO General Assembly
From September 11 to 16, the 22nd General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) was convened in Chengdu, China. It was the biggest general assembly in the UNWTO’s history in terms of the number of delegates present. It elected Zurab Pololikashvili, former Georgian Ambassador to Spain, as its new Secretary-General.(Source: www.eturbonews.com)
世界旅游联盟成立 凸显中国责任担当
The World Tourism Alliance Established
9月12日,由中国发起成立的第一个全球性、非政府、非营利国际旅游组织——世界旅游联盟(WTA)正式成立。联盟以“旅游让世界更美好”为核心理念,以旅游促进发展、旅游促进减贫、旅游促进和平为目标,旨在加强全球旅游业界的国际交流阴毒妃嫔 ,增进共识、分享经验、深化合作,推动全球旅游业可持续、包容性发展奥嘉方达 。(联合国世界旅游组织官网)
On September 12, the World Tourism Alliance (WTA), initiated by China, was established. It is the world’s first global, non-governmental and non--profit tourism organization. Following the vision that “Better Tourism, Better World”, it aims at promoting economic development, poverty reduction and peace through tourism development, strengthening international tourism exchange, expanding consensus, sharing experience, deepening cooperation and facilitating sustainable, inclusive global tourism development.(Source: http://www2.unwto.org/)
Chengdu Convenes B&R Tourism Ministerial Meeting
9月13日,“一带一路”旅游部长会议在中国成都成功举行,会议发布了《“一带一路”旅游合作成都倡议》。来自100多个国家和地区的旅游部长、41个国际组织负责人、千余名代表参加会议女娲遗骨。2017年黛西约翰逊 ,中国赴“一带一路”国家出境游人次预计将超过2500万徐粲然 。(综合美国精日传媒等)
On September 13, the Tourism Ministers’ Meeting of Countries along the Belt and Road (B&R) was convened in Chengdu, China. It attracted the participation of tourism ministers from over 100 countries and regions, the heads of 41 international organizations and more than 1,000 delegates. It then issued the Chengdu Initiative on Tourism Cooperation along the Belt and Road. The number of Chinese tourists visiting other B&R countries and regions in 2017 is expected to exceed 25 million.(Source: Jing Daily, etc.)
Chinese President Xi Calls for More Efforts to Promote the Toilet Revolution, Receiving Extensive World Attention
On November 21, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for the nation to promote the Toilet Revolution nationwide, attracting extensive international attention. The move was reported and commented by global mainstream media including BBC罗丝·麦高恩, RFI, CNBC诺澜扮演者, Japanese Sankei, Zaobao, and The Economic Times of India. China’s Toilet Revolution has been a media sensation across the globe.(Source: global mainstream media)
Tourism Contributes to over 10%
of Global GDP and Employment
At the Conference on Jobs and Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism on November 27 in Jamaca, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) announced that: in 2016, the tourism revenue amounted to USD 7.6 trillion, accounting for 10.2% of the global GDP and the tourism industry hired 292 million people浪漫龙驹 , accounting for 10% of the global workforce. It shows that tourism is playing a growing role in global economic development.(Source: http://www2.unwto.org/)
美国针对6个主要穆斯林国家旅行禁令全面生效 地区局势依旧复杂
The U.S. Bans Travelers from Six Muslim-majority Countries
On December 4, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to enforce the travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries,郑翠萍 prohibiting the entry of travelers from Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and Chad into the U.S. On December 6, U.S. President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel, provoking widespread protests. The regional situation is still complex, casting shadow over global tourism development.(Source: Reuters)
