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Ketamine dosing for sedation during repeated radiotherapy sessions in children
本研究探讨了接受反复放疗的儿科肿瘤患者的氯胺酮所需剂量,以及分析患者的恢复时间吴飞舟 。
方 法
本试验为单盲、前瞻性研究快乐集邮论坛 ,33名因肿瘤疾病接受放射治疗的儿科患者静脉注射2 mg / kg氯胺酮和10μg/ kg阿托品,当镇静水平不足时使用的主要药物为0.5 mg / kg氯胺酮超级剑修 。记录总氯胺酮消耗量高濑七海 ,余华东额外剂量和恢复时间。
结 果
评估了635个连续放疗疗程的数据金舒春 。在连续治疗期间完成每次放疗所需的氯胺酮总消耗量没有显着变化(P> 0.05)。 然而情圣终结者,恢复时间在第四阶段开始减少(P = 0.02)并且在整个研究期间继续减少(P = 0.001)卢小丰 。 第一次恢复时间的平均值为13.68±3.99分钟杨婧琳 ,而最后恢复时间的平均值为7.66±6.35分钟钟恩柔 。
结 论
尽管在连续放疗期间反复使用氯胺酮用于镇静时恢复时间显著缩短张芳奕 ,但并未发现后续给药时氯胺酮剂量增加的要求。
Background/aimWe report the analysis of ketamine doses needed and the recovery times in pediatric oncology patients undergoing repeated radiotherapy sessions.
Materials and methodsIn a single-blind prospective study design就爱耍心机 , thirty-three pediatric patients undergoing radiotherapy due to oncologic disorders received 2 mg/kg ketamine and 10 μg/kg atropine intravenously and the rescue drug to be administered was ketamine at 0.5 mg/kg when the sedation level was inadequate. Total ketamine consumption新香港奇案, additional doses戴小唯 , and recovery time were recorded.
ResultsData of 635 consecutive radiotherapy sessions were evaluated. There was no significant alteration in total ketamine consumption required to complete the radiotherapy periods during consecutive procedures (P > 0.05). However, the recovery times started to decrease by the fourth session (P = 0.02) and continued to decrease onwards during the whole study period (P = 0.001). The mean of the first recovery time was 13.68 ± 3.99 min马钢股份有限公司 阿甘左回忆录 , whereas the mean of the last recovery time was 7.66 ± 6.35 min.
ConclusionA requirement for an incremental increase in ketamine dose after subsequent administrations was not detectedqq奶奶 , despite a significant decrease in recovery times being anticipated when ketamine is used repeatedly for sedative purposes in consecutive radiotherapy sessions.

编辑:余晓旭 审校:王贵龙