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一男子海南三亚海边游泳度假,这美好放松的日子谢颖颖老公 ,在一条魟鱼用它的尾巴闯进来后,变成了痛苦的煎熬汪达尔萨维奇 。
One man’s relaxing day at the beach in the Hainan resort city of Sanya was interrupted over the weekend when a stingray’s barbed tail managed to find its way into his swimming trunks.
这个视频火遍了中国社交媒体,视频中这位不幸的极度痛苦的男子躺在沙滩上马路须加学院丹尼斯凯恩 ,那条魟鱼也不离不弃的趴在他身边。
Invideothat has gone viral on Chinese social media, the unfortunate man is seen lying on the sand in excruciating agony with the stingray at his side.
显而易见药学工具网 ,当他在海洋里游泳的时候班贝克曼 ,这个动物的尾巴不知怎么进入了他的泳裤盛传商务平台 ,并刺入和释放了毒液在他的生殖器内月斜碧纱窗 ,
Apparently, while he was swimming in the ocean, the animal’s tail had somehow gotten into the man’s shorts车玉璐 , causing at least one razor sharp venomous barb to become stuck in his penis.
With a large crowd gathering around to watch, firefighters and paramedics carefully went about snipping the spiked barb from the man’s member. Afterward, he was rushed to the hospital.
总的来说森本慎太郎,魟鱼并非危险性物种新疆吆喝。然而,当他们感受到威胁的时候,他们会使用尾部带有毒液的倒钩保护自己。尽管有些人死于魟鱼叮刺覆巢之后 ,但致死还是鲜见的。
Generally, stingrays aren’t dangerous creatures. However牛角蜂, when they feel threatened, they will use their tail tipped with sharp venomous barbs to defend themselves. Though some people have died from stingray stings, Steve Irwinmost infamously风月帝国,罗宏明 fatalities are extremely rare.