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房事是某些疾病的传播方式之一,因此,人们在进行房事时应注意房事卫生,最好每天晚上睡觉之前清洗外阴司徒俊文 ,房事后也清洗一次。中医养生学家在房事养生中非常讲究房事损益。在这里,“损益”指的是在房事过程中以及房事前后,对人体有益的行为以及对人体健康造成危害的行为。其中最有代表性的的观点,就是房事的:“七损八益”。
七损指的是对人体健康造成危害的七种有关房事的行为,主要为闭、泄、竭、勿、烦、绝、费黄昏色的咏使。闭:指的是闭精,它主要是男女缺乏房事知识,房事时不注意把握技巧,造成男女深浅不当而引起的。如果男性阴茎插入女性阴道过深,女性会出现疼痛等不良感觉。过浅毛晓慧 ,女性性快度降低,导致性欲低下后宫计,厌恶房事等不良问题的出现。泄:指是在房事之前,精气泻出,出现大汗不止等异常状态,这样对人的健康是不利的。竭:指的是精液枯竭。这主要是纵欲过度、房事过于频繁引起的。精液对于维持人体的正常生命活动都发挥者积极的作用,如果精液枯竭,人体就会患病,严重的导致死亡唐一嘉 。勿:指的是玉茎不举,导致房事无法正常进行,主要原因是纵欲过度、房事心态不佳造成的。烦:指男女在进行房事时所具备的心里状态张二丹,如果进行房事时,心烦气燥重筑人生 。毫无甜密、愉快之感,即为“烦”烦容易造成夫妻的房事不和谐。绝:主要针对男性而言,指的是男性在进行房事时带有大男子主义倾向,在女性不愿意房事的情况下,强迫女性进行房事。费:指的是房事劳倦九带犰狳,具体表现为速度快,用力过猛。消耗过多的体力和精力,导致事后浑身乏力精神不济等状态;

八益指的是有益身体健康的有关房事的八种行为,主要为治气、治沫、知时、蓄气、和沫、窃气、寺赢、定倾。治气:治气为调冶精气,常见的调冶精气的方法是:每天早晨,采取坐式,脊背挺直,收缩肛门;多食用补益气血的食物宝拉巴顿 。治沫:指的是吞咽津液黄小鸭 ,脊背挺直,收缩肛门。知时:指的是在进行房事时要把握适宜的时间石桥禅。首先男女必须具备一定的性欲,这是房事和谐的前提,另外、清晨女性的性欲较为旺盛,晚上男性的精气较为旺盛。蓄气:蓄养精气。学会运用吐纳之术,最好晚上吐气、清晨吸气。和沫:指的是调和津液,表面意思为男女之间可以通过相互拥抱、亲吻、融合彼此的津液。延伸意思为夫妻在进行房事时要配合和谐。窃气:夫妻在进行房事时,性欲较高,善于调息,章慕良房事融合。寺赢:指的是人体内精气旺盛、盈满。保持精气盈满的具体方法是:节制房事、吞咽津液、吐纳等;定倾:在进行房事时,尽量不要将精液射出体外。

If the ceremony takes place in the evening, the groom and ushers appear in black swallow-tail coats, with trousers to match, low-cut white waistcoats, narrow white lawn ties, and pumps or patent-leather shoes. The dress of the other men present is the same胡布内尔 , though some may prefer to wear a black dress-waistcoat to match the suit.The bridesmaids’ costume is usually of some pretty, light color and soft material. This should, like the bride’s, be only slightly cut down in the neck, in the daytime. The inevitable hat is an important feature, and often a charming “creation.” Long white gloves and a bouquet complete the costume. The latter is the gift of the bridegroom, and usually matches or tones in with the dress or its trimmings. The bride’s mother wears lilac, gray, black-and-white, mauve, or some quiet color that is becoming to her, with bonnet or hat to match. She must carefully avoid any affectation of youth in her costume, since this would be in poor taste and would inevitably cause unfavorable comment. Hence the material of her gown is of heavier fabric than that chosen by the younger members of the bridal party. Silk申智熏, satin, velvet, brocade are all appropriate. The bodice should be practically high in the neck or only slightly cut out缉天涯 , although it may have a lace yoke and trimmings. The bride’s mother usually removes her wrap before going up the aisle, an usher carrying it for her. The groom’s mother wears a similar costume, the young girls of both families appearing in pretty high-necked frocks of light color, with dressy hats. No member of the bridal party should appear in mourning garb. The widowed mother呛烟高手, even, lays it aside for the day.At a church wedding all the women appear in hats or bonnets, according to the modern custom. The guests wear handsome reception dress魏千雅 , especially if they are going on to the house of the bride’s parents. Those who are asked only to the ceremony wear their best street costume with white gloves. Where the ceremony is performed at the house in the evening, all wear evening dress and go without hats. For a home wedding in the daytime the guests retain these, but the bride’s mother and other members of the receiving-party appear without them.