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本周独立小炒和TGIS将共同主办一场由法国朋克摇滚界的资深前辈、法国朋克摇滚乐队Bare Teeth 的队长Greg Legarand在宝钞胡同宝钞仓库酒吧为我们带来的关于欧洲音乐市场的演讲。
MusicDish and TGIS is pleased to host a talk with the bandleader of the French punk rock band Bare Teeth and founder of music blog Distrolution Greg Legarand on Europe's music touring market on April 15 at Beijing’s Soi Baochao. Later that night, Bare Teeth will perform a concert at School Bar, with Beijing bands 0190 & 倒刺乐队.
不管你是对音乐市场有兴趣、或是同样有著世界舞台抱负的音乐人、甚至是单纯对音乐有著热爱的朋友们,相信这次讲座对你来说会是有趣又有建设性的,因为这次讲座中,你将有机会将自己的音乐展现给主讲人Greg、Bare Teeth的其他成员以及在座的其他音乐行业从业者,他们不仅会在现场聆听你的音乐并及时给出回馈汉堡神偷,主讲人Greg还有可能在他创立的Distrolution网站上为你宣传。
Whether you are a person interested or working in the music market, an ambitious musician or band aiming for the world’s stage, or even just a avid music lover, you will find this talk entertaining and instructive. In addition, you will have an opportunity to present your music to Greg and other members of Bare Teeth for advice and opportunity to be considered for feature in Distrolution.
已经在欧洲的音乐行业沉浸了超过15年的Greg曾经担任多支摇滚乐队的队长,并多次带领乐队在欧洲及日本等地进行巡演,他曾经为许多大型朋克/?摇滚乐队开场。同时,颜月溪 他还开展了为不同乐队和音乐唱片公司提供媒体宣传和巡回演出服务的业务。至今Distrolution已经帮助来自世界各地超过2000支乐队和唱片公司提供过媒体宣传、巡演服务、唱片发行等业务
With over 15 years in Europe's music scene佛予蝶, Greg has led several bands, continuously touring across Europe (and Japan) and opening for a growing list of major punk and hardcore bands as well as running Distrolution blog that has featured over 2,000 bands and provides press and touring services to bands and labels.
With Chinese bands and artists increasingly looking overseas for new fans and opportunities, the talk will provide a roadmap for Chinese bands wishing to bring their music and tour Europe's music market.
本次演讲的其中一个重点在于为大家介绍不同国家和文化之间的音乐行业新资讯。中国音乐市场和其他国家的音乐市场之间一个主要的不同便是两者之间使用的传播媒介的不同。社交媒体是乐队在西方国家宣传中是不可或缺的一部分。除了社交媒体之外,如何挑选正确的唱片发行公司,巡演过程当中有可能遇到的不为人知的小细节,主讲人Greg都会在演讲上为大家一一揭晓罗心悦 。
One of the main points of Greg's talk will be to shed light on the differences in the music sector in Europe and China. From using the basic promotion tools in Europe such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram to the importance, to blogs and webzines, interacting with record labels and planning a tour.
1. 如何在欧洲获得关注和曝光:推广,社交媒体大川隆法,赠品比赛,到与乐队,媒体人和唱片公司的联系。
2. 如何在欧洲有效地发布唱片
3. 如何发现並找到正确的唱片公司
4. 关于组织欧洲巡演你需要知道的一切东西
The talk will cover a range of topics for the audience, including:
1. How to gain attention and exposure in Europe: from promotion, social media, giveaway contests to making connections with bands白起墓 , promoters, and labels
2. How to efficiently release your music in Europe
3. How to search for and find the right label
4. Everything you need to know about organizing your European tour
此次演讲还将包含一个A&R试听环节,在这次的试听环节上,主讲人Greg和Bare Teeth的其他成员,还有到场的其他音乐行业从业者将会队此次展现自己音乐作品的乐队和音乐家们作出现场的点评和反馈。作为一个长期巡演欧洲的乐队领队,并且一个创立了自己的音乐服务网站Distrolution的音乐人,他曾经为许多中国朋克乐队做过国际媒体宣传,比如Dirty Fingers、Round Eye等,并且都取得了不错的宣传效果。
The talk will also include an A&R listening session where musicians and bands can present their best song to Greg and other Bare Teeth band members. This is a chance for artists to get live feedback on their music from Greg's perspective as a longtime touring artist in Europe as well as the founder of music blog Distrolution, which has featured Chinese punk rock bands such as Dirty Fingers and Round Eye and looking to work with many more.

Journey To The West
活动时间:4月15日 下午2点开始
Time:2018/4/15 14:00
Address:Soi BaoChao
Price:35 RMB
始于法国,Greg Legarand已经在欧洲朋克音乐领域已经活跃了超过15年。從2001年開始,Greg担任本地ska /摇滚乐队的吉他手,随后他在2005年组建自己的硬核/朋克乐队Fast Motion求福堂 。随着他们的第一张唱片“Sailing to Nowhere”。此唱片在欧洲、美国和日本发行,并取得不错的反响。凭借此专辑,乐队在欧洲各国(包括匈牙利和罗马尼亚)以及日本广泛巡回演出。其中,乐队在Nitro唱片公司的“Hit The Switch”舞台上取得的成绩是尤其让人瞩目的。由于种种原因,乐队在2011年11月解散之后,他又组建了一个名为Icons Down 的新乐队。作为新乐队的主唱和吉他手,乐队在2013年与加拿大的Clipwing乐队一起發布了与他們一起巡演欧洲的分离唱片。

Icons Down 乐队
Based in France, Greg Legarand has been in the punk music scene for over 15 years. Starting as a guitarist for a local ska/rock band in 2001, he would form his own hardcore/punk band called Fast Motion in 2005. With the release of their first record "Sailing to Nowhere" in Europe, USA and later in Japan, they toured extensively across Europe (including Hungary and Romania) as well as Japan, notably with Nitro Records' Hit The Switch. After disbanding in November 2011, he formed a new band called Icons Down! as lead singer and guitarist, which released a split record with Canada-based Clipwing with whom they toured Europe in 2013.
而現在,作为Bare Teeth 的领队,自2015组建乐队以来,Greg曾带领乐队为许多知名的朋克、摇滚乐队开场。如美國的Such Gold粱博 ,日本的Waterweed,瑞典的Adhesive,法國的Not Scientists,英國的Roughneck Riot和比利時的FOD,接下来他们將於今年六月为Wilhelm Scream开场。
Greg is now the frontman for Bare Teeth. Since forming the band in 2015, they have opened for many major punk/rock bands auch as Belvedere (Canada), Such Gold (USA), Waterweed (Japan)彩色连珠 , Adhesive (Sweden), Not Scientists (France), The Roughneck Riot (UK) and FOD (Belgium) to name a few,... and will open for A Wilhelm Scream this June.

Bare Teeth由Deviser吉他品牌(Bacchus,STR花天狂骨,Headway)Taurus Amps,他们已经跟世界各地的朋克/硬核摇滚厂牌签约,如:
* Don't Trust The Hype (法国)
* No Affiliation Records (美国)
* Lockjaw Records (英国)
* Morningwood Records (荷兰)
* Melodic Punk Style (波兰)
* No Reason Records (意大利)
* 59SRS (俄罗斯)
* Far Channel Records (日本)
* Realize Records (韩国)
Bare Teeth is endorsed by Deviser guitar brands (Bacchus, STR, Headway) and Taurus Amps刘丛丹图片 , and have signed with punk & hardcore labels across the world such as...
* Don't Trust The Hype (France)
* No Affiliation Records (US)
* Lockjaw Records (UK)
* Morningwood Records (Netherlands)
* Melodic Punk Style (Poland)
* No Reason Records (Italy)
* 59SRS (Russia)
* Far Channel Records (Japan)
* Realize Records (Korea)
凭借自己在IT顾问行业的多年经验,Greg于2017年推出了Distrolution天龙任逍遥 ,这是一个服务于地下乐队和朋克,金属和硬核摇滚类音乐的新闻网站。该博客自推出以来已经有超过2000个乐队注册,并为独立摇滚乐队和唱片公司提供360度服务,其中包括媒体传播服务,粉丝社群管理飞利浦公司 ,海报印刷,CD /母带/磁带压制,更有巡演面包车和设备租赁等服务!
Leveraging his long experience as an IT consultant, Greg launched Distrolution in 2017, a news site for underground bands and labels in the punk舅情似火, metal and hardcore sub-genres. The blog has signed up over 2,000 bands since its launch and provides 360-degree services for independent rock bands and labels, including press relation services, community-management, merch printing, CD/vinyl/tape pressing, van and gear rental, and much more!

0190乐队成立于2013年5月20日。乐队由“咖啡因乐队”吉他手刘博非、原old school“过失乐队”鼓手甄松,以及原流行朋克乐队“孩子的填空”乐队贝斯手高桂共同组建,常年活动与北京二环路内的摇滚现场。乐队本着体现朋克音乐核心价值观的基础曲风简明轻快不油腻,歌词坦白不做作重生完美福晋 ,舞台风格诙谐亲切。

一支来自北京的新一代街头朋克乐队。经过变革成型于2015年初,人来人往,日渐成熟。倒刺长在手上,撕掉他也会回予你无休止的再生和疼痛。倒刺之名如同这种朋克精神,叛逆而坚韧。他们有年轻的血液,想要像催化剂一样唐老鸭从军记 ,为逐渐萧条落没的朋克做些什么。没有那么多理论,他们是朋克,他们是力量张允贞 ,他们会告诉你只有音乐是才是真的。