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NAME:Jeff Wang
English teacher with CCNU

此前孔众 , 王老师获得了2016年度”外研社杯教学之星”大赛的亚军田建明事件 。这次大赛是围绕“微课在翻转课堂(flipped classroom)中的应用”而展开的,王建洋老师通过新颖的方式,用传统沙画阐释孔子的教学理念,最终成功地获得全国总决赛的亚军。而这次新加坡之行也是外研社组织各位总决赛选手参加的。
我们的王老师其实不仅教学有方太空嘻哈族 ,在旅行上也别有新意,地标(landmark)、美食(cuisine)、大学(academic institution)统统一网打尽。所以呢,这一期新加坡旅行篇就由Jeff以日志的形式带各位吃喝玩乐吧!
It took us a 6-hour flight on Singapore Airlines' SQ807. Singapore Airlines’ service was very good. "Singapore sling and other cocktails" recommended by flight attendants were appealing. In addition, we were given Haagen-Dazs with dinner. It was yummy for someone with a sweet tooth!
12 pm. 抵达目的地
The plane arrived at Singapore's Changi International Airport. In the airport, we were able to appreciate the “greenness” of this country-- a small grove exhibition area was placed right in front of the airport. After claiming the luggage春咲千和 , we headed to the hotel called Destination, which is located in Beach Road.
DAY1 新加坡国立大学
The breakfast of first day was offered by the hotel, which included bacon酒泉政府 , scrambled eggs(炒鸡蛋), croissant(牛角面包) and fruit. That was really nutritious and delicious.
9 am. 让人受益匪浅的新加坡国立大学交流会
We participated in the exchange program at the Institute of Education of Nanyang Technological University, and we shared opinions with representatives of Nanyang Technological University. Through the sharing of teachers from Nanyang Technological University, I had a new understanding of Singapore's education system. Singapore's education system is more complex than many countries. Students can choose the type of school according to their ability, and by working hard will they have the opportunity to upgrade their school type.
The above two pictures are the exterior and interior look of the Hive in NTU.(I don’t think I’ve taken the real beauty of this magnificent architecture.)

12 am. 发现占尽双语优势的新加坡华裔真的很赞
After the meeting, we went to the university Food Center for lunch. Food there was mainly for Asians,so we did have a good meal. In addition, through ordering the meal, we found many Singaporeans spoke Chinese all through the way. And later we learned that in Singapore, the government asked Chinese Singaporeans to learn both Chinese and English, because the bilingual ability of both languages had always been the advantage of Singaporeans in the world.
7 pm. 请享用保有中国传统的美食吧之海南鸡饭篇For dinner念念勿忘 , we went to a restaurant to taste the famous “Hainan Chicken Rice”(海南鸡饭). This food became a representative food of Singapore because there were a lot of Chinese people who always kept the traditional eating habits.
9 pm. 参观新加坡地标性雕塑鱼尾狮
After an enjoyable dinner, we went to some places around the city hall to appreciate the wonderful night views of Singapore. The neon lights seemed to float on the sea, leaving us with deep impressions. Besides, we also saw the most famous sculpture of Singapore, the Merlion. Merlion is a beautiful hybrid of a lion and a fish. Strong and lithe, its lion head alludes to the fabled beast that once roamed the ancient island state, while its fish body symbolizing Singapore's origin as a prosperous seaport.
8 pm. 朋友们走起郭建梅 ,环球影城浪一天
On the second day of the tour, we went to the Universal Studios which was locatedin Sentosa. We enjoyed ourselves with the programs inside the studios almost whole day.

Universal Studios tickets were bought in advance on the internet, which was relatively more cost-effective. Besides, to avoid the waiting in the long lines for along time宋小澄 , we bought the priority channel tickets. With the preferential tickets, we quickly experienced the different programs in less than a day's time, except the roller coaster (we were too afraid to play). All in all, It was really an exciting and thrilling day.
The most interesting part that you should not miss was the Transformers.

In addition, the stop called ancient Egyptian pyramids was the most thrilling one.
For adventure lovers, Jurassic Park was also a good choice.

7 pm. 筋疲力尽的我们又找到名为“龙碗”的海鲜自助餐厅吃吃吃葬尸经 !
After the fun time,翟山鹰 went to a Chinese restaurant called "Dragon Bowl" to eat seafood buffet, where we had a lot of great seafood.

10 am. 唯有美味的肉骨茶可以慰藉疲惫的身体张兆艺微博 !
We were too tried to get up early because of the experiences yesterday. So we really needed a big brunch(早中餐). We start from the hotel to a small restaurant called "Huang Yasi" which was located in Sentosa to eat Singapore specialties - Bak Kut Teh.(肉骨茶)
Speaking of the delicacies in Singapore, Bak Kut Teh is another food you must have a try . Bak Kut Teh is usually known as a kind of tea because it’s Chinese name. Asa matter of fact, it is a soup which is made of pork, bones, and herbs. This soup is popular alongside Southeast Asia and Singapore, for locals believe that it’s very healthy.
The below two pictures are the views of Singapore Marina landscape taken on theway to that restaurant.
2 pm. 新加坡国立大学一览
After the brunch中控克什米尔 , I went to visit the National University of Singapore alone.
6 pm. 新加坡最后一餐:老友记主题餐厅
For the last dinner in Singapore, we chose the theme restaurant of the sitcom(情景喜剧) Friends. The environment of the restaurant was just like the scenes of the cafe in the TV series. In addition, the name of the food was concerned with the names of the characters. And the fragments of Friends was looping in the restaurant.
DAY4 结束三天旅行回到中国
The trip to Singapore was short, but still impressive. First, this was a chance to review the fierce competition in the "teaching star" contest and to renew friendship with my rival teachers. Besides, this short journey gave me a relax in this busy summer vacation. Finally, the western fusion atmosphere of the lion city also enriched my knowledge for this world. All in all, I hope you guys could a little bit use of this article in your future trip to this city.

编辑:乔亚宁 王建洋