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Educated Youth city is situated in Rong Jiang River and located on the charming Luoya community of Liucheng County, Dapu town. Luoya community is surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the other. Educated Youth city is five kilometers away from the county and 55 km away from the Liuzhou City. The 209 National Road and Yiliu express way are connected to the city, which makes the traffic very convenient. Educated Youth city is a newly developed tourist attraction that absorbs the spirit of the construction of socialism new countryside, and it is a Educated Youth cultural and creative park built with the theme of Educated Youth culture and by combining the landscape scenery and ancient town sight. In 2010, it successfully created the demonstration site of Guangxi agricultural tourism. In 2011, it successfully created the national AAA level scenic spot. In 2012 the Educated Youth City, Riqian silk industry, and Kaishan Temple ware included in the “top ten tourist routes in Liuzhou”. In 2013, it was included into the tourist routes of Northern Guangxi style and becomes the leading power in liucheng’s tourism development. Educated Youth city is not only a a good place for leisure and holiday, but also the base place for people learning about the Educated Youth, reviewing history and accepting the party spirit education and patriotic education.
The planning area of the scenic spot is four square kilometers. According to the characteristics of resources, it’s divided into “One City and Four Areas” five functional areas - Educated Youth city, mountain-climbing tourist resort, Rongjiang river resort, Turtle Ridge Mountain Resort District, and riverside resort area of ecological agriculture. According to the plan, it’s to be constructed in three phases. In the first phase, the government invests relying on the project’s operation and carries forward the “five ones” project---that is one Educated Youth street with the unique style of the Educated Youth period, one Educated Youth entertainment area for dining, accommodation, entertainment, experience of farming, one Educated Youth museum, One Educated Youth performance hall, and one Educated Youth special repertoire. In the second phase, mainly by attracting businesses and investments, the city comprehensively develops the community’s surrounding tourism resources and land, and constructs the gourmet specialty food street, the Educated Youth large canteen, the Educated Youth hostel, the revolutionary model drama stage, the Liucheng specialty handicraft workshop, and the entertainment area for shopping and leisure, etc. In the third phase, the city integrates the unique characteristics of Educated Youth city and the neighboring farmhouse recreation areas, continues to reshape, promote and popularize all kinds of streets and alleys, which makes the Educated Youth City becomes a large recreation area and tourist destination with multiple functions and complete features.
History of the Educated Youth
知青也叫“插青”——插队青年。上世纪六、七十年代,祖国号召城里的高小毕业生上山下乡,到农村、到边疆插队落户,接受贫下中农再教育侣皓喆 。1960年的初夏,我们洛崖公社迎来了第一批上山下乡的知识青年,从那时开始,洛崖就与“知青”这个名字结下了不解之缘,先后迎来了全国各地400多名知青。他们在这里以生产队为单位,与村民同生产共劳动,留下了最美好的青春岁月,如今他们又纷纷重回故里找寻曾经的记忆,重温那段激情燃烧的岁月。
Educated youth are called “Chaqing” - a group of young man who have gone to live and work in a production team. In the 1960s and 1970s, the government called on higher primary graduates in the city to go to the countryside and border areas, to live and work in a production team, and to be re-educated by the poor peasants. In the early summer of 1960, our Luoya commune ushered in the first batch of young intellectuals, and since then Luoya commune has been tightly bound to the name of “educated youth”. All together, Luoya commune ushered in more than 400 young intellectuals from all around the country. They were here living with the production team, working together with the villagers攸县少帅 , and passing their best years here. Now, successively, they have returned to this place to recall the past memory and to look back upon the burning passion.
Education Youth Street
When you set foot on the education street that is paved with blue flagstones and follow the red stones which are inlayed in the blue street and carry the chronicle of events in the educated youth period, you will pass through the veil of time and revive that memorable history about the educated youth covering the period from 1953 to 1981. When you see the old houses of the 1960s and 1970s, see the khaki-colored walls, see a number of inspiring and exciting posters of the educated youth era, and see Mao’s classic quotations, won’t you have a feeling that you have traveled through the veil of time and returned to the era when the educated youth rushed to live and study in the countryside?
Educated Youth Club
Educated Youth Club is the first “Village-level Collective Economic Comprehensive Building”constructed in the Educated Youth club. At the same time, it’s the demonstration base of the Liuzhou’s rural collective economy, the gathering point of three old generations of educated youth罗瑞康 , and the training base for the students’ entrepreneurial practice in the countryside. The club mainly exists to provide accommodation for the visitors. In the middle of the building, there stands a small statue of Chairman Mao, and on the wall there hangs posters of the educated youth era which greatly renders the atmosphere of educated youth culture.
Educated Youth Square, Old Post Office
知青广场于2009年8月改建完成,凝聚着柳城人民对全体知青朋友的深情厚谊隐形动物 ,对于进一步弘扬艰苦奋斗、勇于开拓、无私奉献的知青精神,深入挖掘知青文化,打造“中国知青第一城”的文化品牌,具有重要的历史意义和现实意义。
Educated Youth Square finished its reconstruction in August 2009. The square stands as an symbolism of Liucheng people’s friendship to all the educated youth friends. The square has an important historical and practical significance for further promoting the educated youth’s spirit of hard work, courage and selfless dedication, for digging out the educated youth culture and for creating the cultural brand of “China’s Top City of Educated Youth Culture”.
知青广场以知青文化为主题,内设知青形象标志性雕塑、知青老照片墙、知青时代特殊名词宣传栏、休息座椅、景观植物等。井琳 广场在知青的生活中占有重要的地位。每当出工的广播响起,知青就和农民朋友们到广场上集合巴尔德拉马 ,然后一起到地里劳作。而当夜幕降临或者其他闲暇时间,知青朋友们也会三五成群地来到广场上,谈天说地丹青胶囊 ,交流思想。在节庆的日子,还会在广场上表演一些大家喜闻乐见的节目。
With “Educated Youth Culture” as a theme, the Educated Youth Square is equipped with the youth image landmark sculpture, the photo wall with pictures of old educated youth, the billboard of specific nouns belonging to the youth age, the rest seats, and the landscape plants. The Educated Youth Square occupies an important position in the educated youth’s life. Whenever the labor broadcast sounded, the educated youth and farmers would gather on the square and then went to work in the ground together. And when night fell or at some other leisure time, the educated youth friends would also gather in small groups to come to the square, where they would chat and exchange ideas. In festival days, people would also give some popular performances on the square.
广场上知青雕塑的主题是“知识青年劳动化”,这也是知青城的城标。寓意着知青走出校园陶艳波 ,来到农村,手中的书本换成了劳动工具,扎好头巾,整装待发。看他们跃跃欲试、胸有成竹的神情,一定又是大丰收了吧。
The theme of the educated youth sculpture standing on the square is “Integrating the Educated Youth with the Working People”, and that is also the landmark of Educated Youth City. The theme means that the educated youth walk out of school and come to the countryside, with books in their hands changing into working tools. They tie well their turbans and get ready to distinguish themselves. From their expression of eagerness and confidence, we can infer that there must be a great harvest.
The site of the old post office is one of the typical buildings of Educated Youth city. For the educated youth, this is a place full of hope. In the past, the educated youth liked to gather here and look forward to a letter from their loved ones. For the educated youth friends, the old post office is a place for emotional sustenance. From 1951 when it went into use to 1977, the old post office had been carrying on such a glorious and sacred mission.
Century-old Educated Youth Dock, Century-old Old Banyan
The century-old educated youth dock is quiet and leisurely, with many beautiful sceneries. The educated youth dock, formerly known as Luoya dock, was built in the 25 years of the Republic of China. It was used for merchant and civil shipping. With a berthage of 250 tons and ninety-nine steps, the post was once the most prosperous commercial port in Liucheng and was a famous commercial center of Liucheng. The centry-old old banyan standing beside the river consistently shelters and protects the people in this town, so that the people can be safe and prosperous. People take it as a sacred tree, and in festivals people will pray in front of the tree .
Educated Youth Great Hall (Educated Youth Museum)
The first floor of the hall is the youth museum, where there are many things on display, such as the production and life appliances of the educated youth, one hundred old photographs, newspapers, letters丁文山, etc.. The museum can get the visitors to know better about the specific culture on the particular era of educated youth. The second floor of the hall is a senior conference center where a large conference for hundreds of people can be held. This is the training and demonstration base of Liuzhou’s party members.
Sceneries of the Rongjiang River and the Yashan Mountain
Rongjiang river is part of the Pearl River and is the source of “A-hundred-mile Liujiang River”. The river’s water is azure green and around the river there are beautiful sceneries of unique mountains and rocks and steep cliffs. Yashan mountain is well-known for its “four wonders”--- “steep cliffs, unique rocks and mountains, queer caves, century-old banyan”.
知青文化广场 Educated Youth Cultural Square
The educated youth cultural square is the activity center of the Luoya community. The square is equipped with basketball court美国兵是废货 , stage, and outdoor cinema. It has complete facilities and colorful activities.
Educated Youth Dining Hall
“The educated youth dining hall” is located in the scenic spot of Educated Youth city. Surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the other,遵义装修公司 the educated youth dining hall enjoys a beautiful environment. Also this place is permeated with rustic humanistic feelings of the century-old old town Luoya community. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, this place exclusively enjoys the tranquilness of the old town. Here, you can also taste the unique “meal for recollecting Educated Youth’s life”.
The concept of the educated youth dining hall originated from the 1960s and 1970s. At that time, the government called on higher primary graduates in the city to go to the countryside and border areas, to live and work in a production team, and to be re-educated by the poor peasants. In the past this was the place where the old educated youth used to “promote revolution” in full swing, and now this is a good place where those old educated youth can renew their “comrade” friendship, relive those passionate days and enjoy a leisure time. Also people living in the new era can come here to look back upon the red history and culture包凡一 , and to experience those day’s burning passion.
This place will provide catering, KTV, conferences, performances, and many other services for the majority of new and old friends. This place is not only the home of the majority of old educated youth but also the home a new generation of young people.
农耕体验区 Farming experience area
In the hundred acres of educated youth farming experience area, you can walk into the fields, drive the cattle to rake fields, irrigate the fields with the keel waterwheel, and grind tofu with stone mill. You can win the work-points through your own hard work, participate in the “revolution” in full swing, feel the working life of the educated youth at those days and enjoy the happiness of “producing by ourselves and becoming self-sufficient in food and clothing”.
节庆特色 Features of Festivals
There are many traditional festivals in Liucheng City, such as Eco tangerine Cultural Tourism Festival, educated youth cultural tourism festival, open pond festival, old village Yifan Festival, Zhuang People’s singing festival倪尔萍 , one hundred dramas in one hundred villages, Fireworks Festival, Kaishan temple festival黑花杀手 , Anle temple festival, etc.. To a great extent, the colorful festivals enrich Liucheng’s tourism products.
Liucheng people celebrate the tangerine harvest and welcome guests from all around the world. In the Eco tangerine Cultural Tourism Festival, there are various colorful activities, covering the conference promotion, large-scale song and dance, commodity display, athletics, tourism and many other sectors. Feel ecology, feel the sweet, and feel the joy!
In the educated youth cultural tourism festival, there are many activities, such as the cultural performances in the opening ceremony, Third Sister Liu singing at the century-old pier, doing farm work and earning points, the recollection of educated youth’s living meal狂龙逞英豪 , and the interactive experience of going to the countryside. The old educated youth returned to the old haunt and recollecting the old events together with the visitors by participating in the activities.
柳城“壮欢”是“柳州四绝”(壮欢、苗节、瑶舞、侗楼)之一,被评为自治区非物质文化遗产,登上了中央电视台《金土地》的大雅之堂,各乡镇的歌圩成了人们传情会友的好地方王晓滨 。
Liucheng’s “Zhuang People’s Singing Festival” is one of the “Liuzhou Four Wonders” (Zhuang People’s Singing Festival, Miao festival, Yao dance, Dong building). It’s rated as the autonomous non-material cultural heritage and has been reported in the CCTV’s program of “Golden Land”. The folk song fairs in towns and villages become good places for people expressing emotions and meeting friends.
土特产 Local specialty
The Liucheng “four treasures” are: cloud chip cake, cattle Laba, tea, and tangerine. In addition, there are old village rice, natural honey, silk quilt, pink clouds stone crafts and so on.
精品线路 Fine routes
柳州市十大精品线路: Top ten fine routes of Liuzhou city
开山寺祈福 →参观知青城→ 古砦游滩头古民居、蓬坡赏枫 → 日田丝业 → 返程
Praying in Kaishan Temple--visiting the Educated Youth City--visiting the old folk houses in the beach-head of the old village and appreciating the maples in the Punta slope ---Ritian Silk Industry---Return
县内精品线路:Fine routes inside the county
Route 1:Liuzhou city center---Kaishan temple---Red maples in the old village---Educated Youth city---Ritian Silk Industry---Yuanquan mountain villa---return
Route 2: Liuzhou city center---county---Red maples in the old village---Educated Youth city---Yashan mountain scenic spot---return
Route 3:Liuzhou city center---Wujia village “Mountain of Flowers and Fruits”---Educated Youth City---return
二日游:a two-day trip
D1:开山寺祈福 → 古廨古民居 → 滩头古民居(依饭节) → 宿滩头农家旅馆;
D2:观赏华南最大最美红枫林 → 游千年古树的新维稀珍林博园→ 参观覃村石拱桥等 → 日田丝业 → 返程
D1:开山寺祈福 → 参观知青城参观 → 游崖山景区 → 宿知青会所;
D2:知青城 → 游沙埔河旅游区 → 返程
Route 1: a two-day trip: red maples---silk road
D1: Praying in the Kaishan Temple---old folk houses in the old village---old folk houses in the beach head (Fanyi festival)---staying the night at the farmhouse inn in the beach head
D2: visiting the biggest and the most beautiful red maple wood in south China----visiting the new museum park with rare forests and century-old trees---visiting the stone arch bridges of the Tan village---Tianri Silk Industry--return
Route 2: a happy two-day trip of safe Educated Youth
D1: Praying in the Kaishan Temple---visiting the Qingcheng City---visiting the Yashan mountain scenic spot---staying the might at the Educated Youth Club
D2: Educated Youth City----visiting the Shapu River scenic spot---return